Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I place an order?

  • To place an order, simply browse our products, select the items you'd like to purchase, and click "Add to Cart." Follow the checkout process to enter your shipping details and payment information.

2. What payment methods do you accept?

  • We accept a variety of payment methods, including major credit/debit cards and other secure payment options. You can find more details during the checkout process.

3. How can I track my order?

  • Once your order has been shipped, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your order on our website or through the carrier's website.

4. What is your return policy?

  • Our return policy is outlined in detail in our Returns Policy. Please review this policy for information on eligibility, timeframes, and the return process.

5. Do you ship internationally?

  • At the moment, we only ship within Europe. We are working to expand our shipping destinations, so stay tuned for updates.

6. How do I contact customer support?

  • You can reach our customer support team by emailing info@sleekgizmo.co.uk or +447440131770. We aim to respond to inquiries within 2 hours.

7. Are your products environmentally friendly?

  • We are committed to sustainability. All of our products and packaging are made of recycable materials whenever possible and we have partnered with couriers who have a carbon neutral goal.

8. Do you offer gift cards?

  • Yes, we offer gift cards! You can purchase them here. Gift cards are a great way to share the joy of shopping with your loved ones.

9. How can I stay updated on promotions and new arrivals?

  • Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on promotions, new arrivals, and exclusive offers. You can sign up on our homepage or at the bottom of any page on our website.

10. Can I modify or cancel my order after placing it?

  • Once an order is placed, it enters our processing system promptly. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee modifications or cancellations. Please review your order carefully before confirming.

Feel free to contact us at info@sleekgizmo.co.uk if you have any other questions or concerns!